Sample Home Inspection Report

The home inspection report is usually about 20-30 pages and also includes a summary of the more important items. It also allows the client and their real estate agent to utilize the Create Repair List (CRL) feature to go through each defect together in order to make a repair request addendum or to itemize and prioritize the costs of repairs. The report will also allow the home buyer or their agent to create a PDF document of the entire report or just the summary to share with others.

A typical home inspection takes 2-3 hours to complete on-site. During that time, we will take notes and photos of defects as well as informational items inside and outside the home using an tablet with the latest inspection software. Clients are always encouraged to follow along but we are also able to summarize the inspection if a client can’t stay for the entire inspection or wants to measure rooms or window treatments, take a phone call, etc.

The final home inspection report is compiled off-site and will be sent electronically within 24 hours of the home inspection. We do not rush to provide a sloppy on-site report with generic wording and spelling errors. We also write our own custom narratives with recommendations rather than a checklist-style report that is subject to interpretation and isn’t helpful. We are available to discuss the report and answer any questions as needed.

To see how it all comes together, please view our interactive Sample Home Inspection Report.

Sample Home Inspection Report